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The Keys with Kristen – Kissing 2020 Goodbye

As 2020 comes to a close, I think we can all agree we are ready to kiss this one goodbye. Ringing in the new year has never sounded so sweet! I’ve spoken with masses of people, and it’s truly been a split of how this year has treated you. Half have been through the worst year of their lives, while the other half have had the best. I’ve seen businesses thrive and expand, while others close their doors for good. Our children have learned that wearing a mask is now “normal,” and learning from an online source is acceptable. Most of us (myself included) had to embrace our natural hair color. The horror!            

December is typically a month of celebrations, rejoicing, and families. While this year may not be full of holiday parties and gatherings, there is still plenty you can do to bring joy and celebration to your home and yourself. When there is so much out of our control, let’s focus on what we can control. Grab a small notebook, and let’s reflect on the year of 2020:           

Reflection on the year, Step 1: Write down a list of the greatest moments of your year. Yes, I know the negatives are easier in 2020. But for this one, positives only. This may be difficult for you, and you may have to dig deep, but this is important. What moments have you been able to make the best of? Maybe it’s as simple as more dinners at home with family. The house projects you finally had time to finish, the virtual happy hour with your besties, the ability to work from home. The good is there; sometimes you just have to search a little harder. Ask yourself, “How has this year served me?” Write for at least 30 minutes on those moments.

  1. Reflection on the year, Step 2: Write down all of the side effects this year has had on you and your family. While this may actually have some negatives, such as losing a job, a sickness, or other hardships, document it. The reason for this is twofold. Number one, I want you to document the most historic year in all of our lives. When our children, grandchildren, and future generations look back on this, you will have a first-hand account of the moments, trials, and tribulations of the year. Number two, I want you to document what you are capable of overcoming. When the cards are down, when the times are tough, you will have written proof of the worst of times and how you lived through it. You are a survivor. There will be bad times in the future that you will need to call on your strength, and this will be proof that you are capable of rising up to meet any challenge. This will serve you later – trust me.

Let’s all come together to celebrate the end of 2020 (with pleasure!) and the beginning of a new year. Let’s dare to spend the remainder of this year focusing on the JOY and the true blessing of our lives. If this year has taught us anything, it is that life is short. We are only here for a finite amount of time, and we might as well make the most of it.  Cheers!


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