Tyree: National Guard and works for Meadows Body Shop. Just passed his tests for becoming a Paducah Police officer and hoping to start the academy soon!
Lyndsey: Photographer, owner of Lynds Photography
Lyndon: 5 years old
Layden: 2.5 years old
Tayt: 7 months old
Tell us how you and your spouse met and how long you have been married.
We met at a social event in Martin, Tennessee.
Tell us about where each of you grew up and how you landed in the region.
Tyree: I grew up in McKenzie, Tennessee. I landed in Paducah because of my wife and kids.
Lyndsey: Born in Paducah, raised in Boaz, and never going to leave 🙂
What is your favorite holiday?
Tyree: Christmas
Lyndsey: Christmas
What is your favorite thing about the region?
Our favorite thing about our region is how small it is! Everyone knows everyone.
How do you spend your summer breaks?
We spend our summer breaks by the pool and at Kentucky Lake!
What does your spouse do to make you feel special?
Tyree: She tells me how handsome I am, supports me and all my decisions, and my favorite is, lets me play golf haha!
Lyndsey: Supports me and my photography business!
How do you manage work and family time?
Tyree: I work for my in-laws so it’s an 8-5 job. Some days my wife and kids come down there for lunch or just because. After work I make sure we are all together, whether it’s grilling out or going out to eat.
Lyndsey: I’m self-employed so my work and family time run together. Sometimes my kids go with me when I’m working. But I make sure when I’m done with work, we do family stuff. My kids love to go get ice cream!
Does your family have a motto?
You can literally be here today and gone tomorrow. Be grateful, be humble, be appreciative, be kind, be loving.
What are the core values of your family?
Our main value is God first – always! We teach our children how important Jesus is! Other values are integrity, respect, and honesty.
Do you have any family traditions?
Our family tradition is the Elf coming December 1st! My kids LOVE when the Elf comes. Also, Christmas Eve we always open up one present!
What brings you the greatest joy as a parent?
Tyree: When they say, “I want daddy.”
Lyndsey: Hearing them randomly say, “I love you mommy.”
Tell us something interesting about your family that we may not know.
Lyndsey wants 100 kids. Not exaggerating…
Do you have nicknames for your kids?
Lyndon: LRose
Layden: LayLay
Tayt: Tayter Tot
Questions for kids: What’s your favorite thing to do as a family?
Lyndon: Play with daddy.
Layden: Be with mommy.
Tayt: He can’t talk but if I could guess what he’s thinking, it would be eating together.