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Hometown Family – The Clanahans

Chance and Kacey – both help operate Paducah Shooters Supply

Easton 8

Henry 6

Charlotte Faith 4

Tell us how you and your spouse met and how long you have been married.

Chance worked for my dad at Paducah Shooters Supply. We started dating while I was still in high school. We have been married for 12 years.

Tell us about where each of you grew up and how you landed in Paducah.

Chance grew up in Metropolis; I grew up in Paducah. I’ve (Kacey) never worked anywhere other than my family’s business, and that’s what kept me/us in Paducah. I went to Murray State and majored in Business Administration to stay in Paducah and continue to work in our business.

What is your favorite holiday?

That’s always difficult for us! The kids would say Christmas – they know and appreciate the true meaning, but they look forward to all the joy surrounding Christmas, and who am I kidding – the gifts! Chance and I love Christmas, but we especially love Easter.

What is your favorite thing about Paducah?

The people! We have met so many people through our business and through our children’s friends. The people of Paducah are truly special!

How do you spend your summer breaks?

Summer vacations, a LOT of baseball games, fishing with the kids, baseball in the backyard, and working together in the garden.

What does your spouse do to make you feel special?

Kacey – I can’t think of a single instance when Chance has put himself before our family. His sacrificial love for us is very noticeable if you know him. He’s also intentional about making sure that I take care of me. As moms, we tend to fit our appointments, time for a meal, etc. in only if we find a chance. He makes sure my self-care isn’t last.

Chance – Kacey always gives the perfect gifts and prioritizes quality time. She is also great about making things in the kitchen if I say something sounds good.

How do you manage work and family time?

With a lot of grace! We prioritize what must be done when we are working, and what tasks don’t get completed one day, go on the list for the next. We prioritize family over work always and give ourselves grace when the balance feels off during busier times of the year. As long as we are giving our best to both, we are content. You have to redefine what your best looks like at times to allow yourself that grace!

Does your family have a motto? If so, what is it?

No, we want our children to be involved in making a motto for our family, and we don’t feel that they are at the age to all three really be involved in that yet.

What are the core values of your family?

Our faith in the Lord, praying with our children and each other, kindness, a lot of laughter, acts of service for others, being gentle towards each other, standing up for truth, forgiveness, shared meals, honesty, staying positive, being like Christ.

Do you have any family traditions?

We have a lot of traditions because we feel like they’re so important, especially during childhood, and they create great memories and character. Our favorites are wedding anniversary trips, our annual summer garden, hunting, and fishing together, the children picking out and exchanging gifts for each other, and “Elf (kindness) Missions” at Christmas.

What brings you the greatest joy as a parent?

The reap of the seeds we have sown in our children. Their love for the Lord, their individual prayers, and their model of kindness and friendship, especially when it’s towards each other. Chance would definitely add hunting and fishing with the boys!

Tell us something interesting about your family that we may not know.

Truly- there’s so much! The most interesting thing would probably be that we have honeybees and an orchard.

Do you have nicknames for your kids?

Easton – E

Henry – Huggle Monster

Charlotte Faith – Charlee Faith

What is the most important thing to you in parenting your children?

Pointing them back to Christ and modeling that for them. We cover our children in prayer, and we always pray daily with them to model communication with God. We try to set an example of reading our Bible daily and model service for others as regularly as possible.

Questions for kids:

What’s your favorite thing to do as a family?

Easton: playing baseball in the backyard

Henry: family movie night

Charlotte: hugs


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