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Feet Under My Table – Summertime

Glorious summertime! The promise of sunshine, an abundance of life and flowers, warm weather, and a season of growth are on full display this month.

More family gatherings and reunions, and celebrations are happening.

I hope that we all take time to reflect on the freedom that is celebrated this month. July is a month where we take the time to seek to be thankful and celebrate the sacrifices it took to get us to freedom. May we never lose the value of all that it has taken to keep us there.

How will you continue to celebrate the remainder of your summer days? Will there be picnics? Camping? Gatherings? Outdoor sports or music venues? Time spent at the water’s edge or tucked beneath a tent? Or on a porch, patio or deck?

Have you noticed that there are those who are younger who have set up stands to sell eggs, cookies, and lemonade? It made my heart happy to see those young entrepreneurs taking responsibility to raise chickens and sell those eggs, make chocolate chip cookies and lemonade, and then proudly sell their products at the Farmers’ Market or the sidewalk from home.

It’s amazing to watch parents teaching them to manage those projects and save the proceeds.

They give me hope.

Encouragement that there are still little ones who have the drive and excitement to be a part of this great country. To share in what makes our country great in commerce and determination.

Do you remember a time when you had that spirit?

Those memories are etched in my heart. Fundraisers for a youth camp, a school trip or a special purpose for someone in need stand out in my mind. Goals were set and met for us. I hope all of us have not lost the joy of that.

The next few weeks are a reminder to cram in as many wonderful things as we can before kids return to school. Teachers are already focused on preparing curriculum and classrooms to the return of more normalcy this year.

Some community sports teams are ending seasons, and others are beginning. For those traveling teams, a fast and furious pace may still be happening.

Whether there are more dips in the lake or a pool, may I suggest that you make the most of these days?

Enjoy the freedom of relaxing. Add the bug spray and sunscreen, and spend as much time as you can outdoors. We will probably all long for those hot days when the thermometer reads below zero about January. Right?

Garden produce is being gathered and put away for winter. Lots will be canned, frozen, and dehydrated to enjoy during those winter months. I want plenty tucked away for more feet under my table. The frenzy can be exhausting but so worth it later.

Summertime is such a special season. Take the time to breathe it all in. Run when you need to run. Take the time to walk and reflect. Perhaps slow down more or stay up later to watch those lightning bugs across a yard or hear the crickets. Rise earlier to not miss the life outside. Drive to a water’s edge and watch the sunrise or the sunset. The quietness and stillness might take your breath away.

Just a reminder to make the best memories ever this summer.  Because truly we are either making memories or sharing them.


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